Suchergebnis (2)

beSureⓇ – Berlin Test for Super-Recognizer Identification Part I: Development

Meike Ramon & Simon Rjosk

Erscheinungsjahr: 2022
ISBN: 978-3-86676-762-1
Preis: 24,90 EUR
75 Seiten

The present publication represents the first of an intended collection of reports documenting
the registered trademark beSureⓇ and the experience gained in its context. The present
report describes the context in which beSureⓇ emerged, as well as its development - from
ideation to technical design, up to experimental implementation. On the one hand, this
report aims to provide interested practitioners and researchers with information, which is
both exhaustive and understandable for readers from all backgrounds. On the other hand,
this report also provides methodological documentation required for reproduction and
replication of the procedures of beSureⓇ.


Author Biographies

1. Introduction
1.1. Background
1.1.1. What is Face Identity Processing?
1.1.2. Super-Recognizers: Individuals Originally Discovered in the Lab
1.1.3. Super-Recognizers for Policing?
1.2. Assignment LKA Berlin: (How) can we detect Super-Recognizers within the Berlin Police?

2. Description of the Development of beSureⓇ
2.1. Task Analysis via Expert interviews
2.1.1. Interviewed Expert Units
2.1.2. Outcome of the Task Analysis
2.1.3. Implications of the Task Analysis for beSureⓇ
2.2. Material preparation
2.2.1. Source databases (LVD, Fahndungsbilder, Videos von LKA 645)
2.2.2. Challenges
2.2.3. Stimulus selection

3. beSureⓇ
3.1. Subtests of beSureⓇ
3.1.1 Constrained Static Material: Mugshot Images
3.1.2. Unconstrained Static Material: Wild Images
3.1.3. Unconstrained Dynamic Material: Wild Videos
3.2. Technical Implementation of beSureⓇ

4. Legal Considerations Specific to the Initial beSureⓇ Roll-Out and Implications for Future Deployment
4.1. Berlin Data Protection Office Requirements
4.2. Measures Implemented to Meet the Berlin Data Protection Office Requirements 

5. Conclusion and Outlook

6. References


1. Einleitung
1.1. Hintergrund
1.1.1. Was ist Gesichtsidentitätsverarbeitung?
1.1.2. Super-Recognizer: Personen, die ursprünglich im Labor identifiziert wurden
1.1.3. Super-Recognizer im Polizeieinsatz?
1.2. Auftrag des LKA Berlin: (wie) können wir Super-Recognizer innerhalb der Polizei Berlin identifizieren?

2. Beschreibung der Entwicklung von beSureⓇ
2.1. Aufgabenanalyse durch Experteninterviews
2.1.1. Interviewte Expert*innen
2.1.2. Ergebnis der Aufgabenanalyse
2.1.3. Implikationen der Aufgabenanalyse für beSureⓇ
2.2. Materialaufbereitung
2.2.1. Datenbanken (LVD, Fahndungsbilder, Videos von LKA 645)
2.2.2. Herausforderungen
2.2.3. Stimulusauswahl

3. beSureⓇ
3.1. Subtests von beSureⓇ
3.1.1 Standardisiertes statisches Material: ED-Bilder
3.1.2. Unkontrolliertes statisches Material: “Wilde Lichtbilder”
3.1.3. Unkontrolliertes dynamisches Material: “Wilde Videos”
3.2. Technische Implementierung von beSureⓇ

4. Legale Erwägungen bzgl. der Einführung und künftigen Umsetzung von beSureⓇ
4.1. Anforderungen der Berliner Beauftragten für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit
4.2. Maßnahmen zur Erfüllung der Anforderungen der Berliner Datenschutzbeauftragten

5. Ausblick

6. Literaturverzeichnis

beSureⓇ – Berlin Test for Super-Recognizer Identification Part I: Development

Meike Ramon & Simon Rjosk

Erscheinungsjahr: 2023
ISBN: 978-3-86676-762-1
Preis: 24,90 EUR
75 Seiten

The present publication represents the first of an intended collection of reports documenting
the registered trademark beSureⓇ and the experience gained in its context. The present
report describes the context in which beSureⓇ emerged, as well as its development - from
ideation to technical design, up to experimental implementation. On the one hand, this
report aims to provide interested practitioners and researchers with information, which is
both exhaustive and understandable for readers from all backgrounds. On the other hand,
this report also provides methodological documentation required for reproduction and
replication of the procedures of beSureⓇ.


Author Biographies

1. Introduction
1.1. Background
1.1.1. What is Face Identity Processing?
1.1.2. Super-Recognizers: Individuals Originally Discovered in the Lab
1.1.3. Super-Recognizers for Policing?
1.2. Assignment LKA Berlin: (How) can we detect Super-Recognizers within the Berlin Police?

2. Description of the Development of beSureⓇ
2.1. Task Analysis via Expert interviews
2.1.1. Interviewed Expert Units
2.1.2. Outcome of the Task Analysis
2.1.3. Implications of the Task Analysis for beSureⓇ
2.2. Material preparation
2.2.1. Source databases (LVD, Fahndungsbilder, Videos von LKA 645)
2.2.2. Challenges
2.2.3. Stimulus selection

3. beSureⓇ
3.1. Subtests of beSureⓇ
3.1.1 Constrained Static Material: Mugshot Images
3.1.2. Unconstrained Static Material: Wild Images
3.1.3. Unconstrained Dynamic Material: Wild Videos
3.2. Technical Implementation of beSureⓇ

4. Legal Considerations Specific to the Initial beSureⓇ Roll-Out and Implications for Future Deployment
4.1. Berlin Data Protection Office Requirements